A British train's new seats are so uncomfortably narrow that although more can be fitted into the carriages fewer passengers want to use them. A measly 43cm is allocated for each passenger in the carriages, which have five seats across, while regular carriages have four seats that are 45cm wide. During the 90-minute journey, commuters are complaining of back pain and fearing deep vein thrombosis.
* L Q/ n0 h. l' W+ j7 i; x 日前英国推出了一列“窄座”火车,其座位如此狭窄不适,以致车厢内部空间绰绰有余,鲜少有乘客问津。据了解,和原来一排4个座位、每个座位宽45厘米的规格不同,这列火车一排有5个座,且每个座仅宽43厘米。在90分钟的旅途中,乘客们抱怨腰酸背痛,还担心得上了深静脉血栓。 |