品牌名称:Hugo Boss
7 D& X! _4 n$ w" ]% t0 g店铺地址:下沙奥特莱斯
, _' }* n y' P+ N4 B+ f3 ~公司简介:International luxury fashion house, HUGO BOSS, currently has an extensive network of more than 1000 retail shops in 102 countries. As a global market leader in high fashion, we manufacture and distribute men’s and women’s wear as well as accessories. HUGO BOSS AG is a listed company in Germany with subsidiaries in most important countries.
4 b( l2 ?% p5 [; A6 C. K国际奢侈品牌 HUGO BOSS 目前已在 102 个国家拥有超过 10 00 家零售专卖店。作为全球高级时装的领导品牌,我们制作并提供男装、女装,以及配饰。 HUGO BOSS AG 是一家德国上市公司,并在全球各重要国家拥有其子公司。 0 x5 O3 W3 N) u( l @& U4 | [
To support our Training & Development activities, we are looking for a high calibre person to join our Chinta regional office as:" r5 \- s/ a3 E0 H2 A9 i+ W# ?3 s
为了拓展我们的零售事业,现雨果博斯(上海)商贸有限公司诚聘具备以下条件的高素质人才加入我们。; I2 K$ _5 q6 T6 W. ?' ?1 T6 B
- |) D3 B3 Y" Q( T2 ]% g直营奢侈品店铺,福利待遇优,薪资丰厚。提供店铺经理,店铺主管,销售职位。
( g; g, _; t0 i! w: Q, S# T招收人员男女不限,要求形象好,气质佳,女生要求身高165左右。
& `# o$ L2 T9 }$ a: a有意向的同学请将简历发送至jerry.yu@asiastaff.net 附近照 |